Quick Tips


June 5, 2016
Navigating the rows of hair care products at your favorite retailer can be a rather daunting task. There are so many brands, types, sizes, uses, bottle shapes, and heck, even means of dispensing that finding the right solution for your hair needs can seem impossible.
May 7, 2016
Short for conditioner-only washing, co-washing involves skipping the shampoo step completely and using only conditioner in your daily or bi-weekly regimen.
April 16, 2016

Healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp, which is naturally aided by a healthy diet and lifestyle.

A key ingredient for preventing hair loss and promoting health hair and nail growth is biotin.  Biotin works in the metabolic process to break down protein, fats and carbohydrates however a lack of biotin can result in a dry, flaky scalp and dull, brittle hair.

April 9, 2016
Washing your hair. It sounds simple enough: Squeeze out a handful of shampoo, slather the pearly lotion onto your head and lather up all over. It turns out that soaping up from roots to ends with an abundance of lather or repeating the process is not really necessary.
March 26, 2016

According to Wilma Mulcare, president of Mulcare Beauty and the Mulcare Beauty Studio & Spa in

March 12, 2016

February 20, 2016

Have you ever wondered what causes your hair to be wavy or curly?

January 26, 2016
The dry air of winter months often brings fun little white flakes that manage to dot dark winter wardrobe at the most inappropriate of times. Yes, we’re talking dandruff here folks and it’s an embarrassing itch that simply needs to go away!
January 14, 2016
Simple steps to intensify your deep conditioning for your hair.
September 23, 2015

Looking to grow your short coif into a mid-length style? Here are a few tips to help with the process.