Kerrin’s hair was past her shoulders, falling mostly to one length drastically elongating her face. Her color was an overly dark brown with very little dimension.  She was using at home haircolor to cover her prematurely graying hair and the pigment was grabbing making it look even darker than it needed to be. The specific shade of brown also made her skin tone look very cool and unhealthy.

Deep inside, Jessee saw a redhead just dying to get out, so he applied a cool copper red all over thus lightening up Kerrin’s face and bringing out the warm flecks in her eyes. Next Jessee cut long layers and added very bold, one length bangs cut straight across to instill a modern day Betty Page feel.

To style, Jessee worked in Brocato Cloud 9 Styling Cream mixed with Vibracolor Fire & Ice Fade Prevent Potion onto her damp hair and combed it through for even coverage. After blow-drying with a round boar bristle brush for volume, he applied Cloud 9 Hot Shapes and Mousse Volumizing Foam and curled with a small or ¾ inch iron.  He went in opposing directions on the mid shaft to the ends through the front and through the entire hair shaft on the back. Once curled, Kerrin’s hair was loosened up by working through with Plasticity Foam Polisher on his fingers. Next a boar bristle dressing brush was run through the hair along with Carve Texture Icing and then Moveable Hold Hairspray was dusted over the surface to finish.

For a complete mix of texture in a pin up style, Jessee took the dry curls and created a push set. This is a technique where one section of the curl is held firmly between his fingertips as he pushes back the rest of the curl up along the hair shaft. After push setting the entire head, more Moveable Hold Hairspray was used to secure the shape.
