
"I’m always inspired by the creative, strong women around me. I had a flashback to my childhood, and to the television shows depicting the future.  These sci-fi shows had strong powerful female characters with bold hair so I thought I could capture that identity in the collection. The Stellarado woman is the center of the universe, leading us into the future on earth and throughout the galaxy." - Stevie English

Stevie EnglishStevie EnglishStevie EnglishStevie EnglishStevie EnglishStevie EnglishCredits
English & Bokshish Headshot

Hair Colorist | Stevie English
Hair Stylist | Kobi Bokshish

Makeup Artist | Pablo Morgade
Wardrobe | Josie McManus
Photographer | David Mannah

Australian Flag
Layout & Design | David Winterhalter for FocusOnHair