Salon Secrets

What Your Hairdresser Wishes You Knew About Your Hair

Rosy Salon Software recently surveyed various salon professionals to find out what they wish you knew about your hair and what they, as pros, can do for you and the health of your hair. Some of the answers are a bit surprising…

What They Do Matters

Hairdressers, by nature, love working with people and strive to create looks that let their clients feel their very best. The services that they offer are not inexpensive to do and require education and training to do correctly. They would love for you to realize their worth and to respect their suggestions and opinions when it comes to your hair.

They are an Inexpensive Form of Therapy

Your relationship with your hairdresser is an important one. Whether you realize it or not, they are likely one of your closest confidants. People tell their hairdresser more that they tell their spouses, so in essence, they have become therapists to some degree. This relationship is not only healthy for you mentally, but by them getting to know you and your lifestyle, they can make a more educated set of recommendations for your hair.

Good Hair Takes Work

In addition to the regular trims, treatments and touchups that are done in the salon, you have to put the effort into your hair at home so that you always look good. That effort starts with using the right products and tools, and includes taking the time to learn and implement the techniques to get your hair to look the way you want it every day.

Most hairdressers agree that weekly deep treatments are a must and that a little effort goes a long way when drying hair. Pay attention when your hairdresser is styling your hair including the specific products and tools they use that way you can replicate the look for yourself at home. If in doubt, ask them what to use and how it’s done.

Professional Products Do Make a Difference

To back up the services done in the salon and to keep your hair healthy, hairdressers want you to use a quality at-home hair care regimen. They also want you to understand that the ingredients in the professional products they recommend are a higher grade than consumer drugstore products, and will therefore cost more to buy. They hope that you see your hair as an investment and will take their recommendations to help protect this important asset.

Box Color is Bad

One of the biggest complaints amongst most hairdressers is their client’s use of box color. They want you to know that there is no way a box of color can give you the same color depths, tones and dimensions that a good hairdresser can achieve in the salon. The use of box color can also be damaging for your hair, as manufacturers offer more of a one-size-fits-all approach with the developers and leave the process of choosing the right color completely in your hands. If you do dare to go there, just know that many times this inexpensive box of color leads to expensive color correction services in the salon.

Avoid Playing Lingo Rolette

It happens more than you would think…A client sits down in the chair and asks the hairdresser for a specific look. Happy to oblige, the salon pro goes to town and then spins the client around for the big reveal…Only it’s not what they thought they were getting! Big surprise! The moral to this story is to not assume you know the correct names, techniques or terms for cuts, styles, colors, etc. Seasoned hairdressers prefer that you have examples as a communication tool.

Samples are Just a Starting Point

Using photographs from magazines or online are a great tool to help communicate with your hairdresser. However, most salon pros agree that their clients are sometimes expecting too much when they show up with pictures of models and celebrities in hand. The truth is that no one really looks like these pictures because the photos are usually heavily photoshopped. Also, just because you see it on Pinterest or Instagram, does not mean that your hair will support that look. Understand that achieving these looks takes work and the right type of hair.

Hair Has Limits

There are limitations as to what hair can handle. For example, wanting to take dark brown hair to a light blonde hue will not only take several very lengthy steps, but should be done over time, versus in one sitting, as the integrity of the hair will otherwise suffer. Also, there is only so much a hairdresser can do to make women look beautiful, as their hair type, condition, thickness, and texture come into play. On top of it all, some procedures or finished styles, no matter how popular they are, do not always work for everybody. You need to trust your hairdresser when they tell you something will or won’t work for you.

Hairdressers Have Limits

As much as they want to make you happy, hairdressers are not magicians. They can only work with the tools they have available to create the best possible look based on your lifestyle and specific head of hair. Learn to trust their natural ability to see your beauty potential and allow them to create something beautifully individualized for you.