These captivated curls make for a unique texture within a very strong shape. Her medium red hue has a shimmer of copper to add a rich luster.

To start off the style, the hair is blow-dried with Smooth Down Heat Glide and Satin Wear, the ultimate blow-dry lotion by Redken, using a paddle brush to help control her natural texture. Using Heat Glide on sections from random diagonal partings, various sizes of hot rollers were applied. Once cooled, each roller was undone and worked back through by hand mainly at the front hairline to create texture. The hair was then pulled up over a long cylinder shaped hairdressing form for stability and shape and pinned into place. Sewing thread was wrapped around the height to create the finished shape and help hold everything in place. A light hold spray sealed the deal.

Hair: ColorWorks Artistic Team

Makeup: Anastacia

Photo: Taggart Winterhalter for Purely Visual
